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Memorial Submission for 2024/2025 Yizkor Book

Submission deadline is Monday, September 2.
***If you would like to pay by check, please log into your account for that option to appear on the payment page.
***The login button is in the upper right corner of this screen.  Your login name is your email address and your password is the one you chose.  If it is your first time logging in, please choose your password now.
***If you have any trouble, please email and we will send you a login link.

Names I would like listed in the 5785 Yizkor Book
   Number of names - General Pages, $30 per name
   Number of names - Holocaust Memorial Pages, $30 per name
   Number of Full Commemorative Pages, $250 per page
For NEW or UPDATED submissions, please enter one name and relationship per line, with "beloved" in between. For example:
Avraham, beloved father
Sara, beloved mother
Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784